2025-01-01 USHPA NTSS Ranking - Class 1 (Flex)

Last updated Wed 18th December 2024

Included competitions: (non-foreign in bold)

36 Months 24 Months 12 Months
Santa Cruz Flats Race (585) Red Rocks Hang Gliding (545) Test Event 24th FAI Worlds Ager (600)
Wilotree Park Nationals (600) Icarus Cup Wilowtree Park Nationals (570) Dala Delta de la Vila DAger (600)
Paradise Airsports Nationals (510) Paradise Airsports Nationals (555) Icarus Cup at Wilotree Park (530)
Paradise Airsports Nationals (540)
El Penon Classic (555)
Forbes Flatlands Championships (600)

Pos Name Points Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4
1 John Simon 1845 583 ICW2024 426 PAN2023 418 WPN2022 418 PAN2024
2 Robin Hamilton 1761 508 WPN2022 495 PAN2024 429 EPC2024 329 ICW2023
3 Rich Reinauer 1664 443 EPC2024 422 TWA2024 421 ICW2024 378 PAN2024
4 Owen Morse 1489 476 SCF2022 433 TWA2024 305 ICW2024 275 ICW2023
5 Cory Barnwell 1423 453 ICW2024 414 PAN2024 290 ICW2023 266 TWA2024
6 Davis Straub 1410 398 ICW2024 379 PAN2024 326 PAN2023 307 PAN2022
7 Mick Howard 1186 341 PAN2024 317 WPN2022 264 PAN2023 264 ICW2024
8 Derrick Turner 1124 384 ICW2024 294 PAN2024 239 WPN2022 207 PAN2023
9 Rob Cooper 1013 336 SCF2022 328 ICW2024 249 PAN2024 100 RRH2023
10 JD Guillemette 992 360 DVA2024 289 SCF2022 179 ICW2024 164 PAN2024
11 Ken Millard 920 267 ICW2024 230 EPC2024 226 WPN2022 197 DVA2024
12 Pedro L Garcia 840 436 WPN2022 404 ICW2023
13 Larry Bunner 829 442 PAN2022 387 PAN2023
14 Jim Messina 805 494 PAN2024 311 WPN2022
15 Jeff Chipman 700 362 PAN2024 215 TWA2024 123 RRH2023
16 Charles Allen 689 319 ICW2023 235 ICW2024 135 WPN2022
17 Christopher Bruno 654 210 PAN2024 181 ICW2024 146 PAN2023 117 ICW2023
18 Peter Kelley 644 300 WPN2022 208 PAN2024 136 ICW2023
19 Pete Lehmann 608 349 SCF2022 179 EPC2024 80 RRH2023
20 Robert Dallas 601 338 PAN2024 163 PAN2023 100 PAN2022
21 Paris Williams 594 594 PAN2024
22 Krzysztof Grzyb 487 487 SCF2022
23 Greg Kendall 478 334 SCF2022 144 RRH2023
24 Willy Dydo 470 323 SCF2022 147 RRH2023
25 Marcelo Alexandre Menin 443 280 PAN2023 163 ICW2023
26 Alex Cuddy 394 394 SCF2022
27 Zac Majors 391 391 SCF2022
28 Ian Brubaker 350 350 SCF2022
29 Claudia Mejia de la Pava ♀ 339 230 PAN2022 109 PAN2023
30 ian Snowball 329 243 SCF2022 86 PAN2023
31 Luke Waters 324 324 PAN2022
32 Matt Teats 294 164 SCF2022 130 RRH2023
33 Thaisio Feliz 264 264 ICW2024
34 Dean Funk 259 153 PAN2023 106 ICW2023
35 Mark Dickson 258 258 EPC2024
36 Ric Caylor 255 255 PAN2022
37 Jeff Arbon 240 201 WPN2022 39 RRH2023
38 Jeff Galvin 183 183 RRH2023
39 Greg Dinauer 178 178 SCF2022
40 Danny Jones 170 170 RRH2023
41 Greg Chastain 164 164 WPN2022
42 Claudia Mejia ♀ 156 156 ICW2023
43 Adam Smith 155 155 WPN2022
44 Jason Boehm 150 150 RRH2023
45 Nicholas Moser 127 127 PAN2024
46 Ben Dunn 102 102 RRH2023
47 Bill Bennett 96 96 SCF2022
48 Knut Ryerson 77 77 PAN2023
49 Wayne Michelsen 73 73 RRH2023
50 Miguel Molina 58 50 EPC2024 8 DVA2024
51 Vincent Geer 54 54 RRH2023
52 Ben Rogers 50 50 RRH2023
53 Daniel Lukaszewicz 46 46 PAN2022

Note: US Pilots who attend foreign competitions should submit the competition website results link to the USHPA competition committee within 1 month of the last task in order for the NTSS points to be calculated and assigned. The organizers of US competitions will send in the results themselves.

Note: Click on a competition name in the competition list or pilot rankings to display the entered results. Click on a pilot name to show all the competitions attended.